Do this to clear Erectile Dysfunction cause by Clog?
It is necessary to remove the penis clog. Urethral structure is narrowing of tube that carries urine and semen through penis and out of the body. If the urethra gets injured due to an infection or any other medical problem it can cause scar tissue to form inside the urethra. It also restricts flow of urine and semen. The type of penis clog or structure is treatable with surgical and non surgical procedures.
What is penis clog or urethral stricture?
With people of all sexes urethra is the thin tube through which bladder empties itself of urine. During the ejaculation the semen also travels through urethra. The urethra in person with penis is more longer than person with vulva. As a result the risk of urethral problems is much higher if you have penis than vulva. A penis clog, develops with inflammation or injury irritates the inner lining of the urethra. It causes with scar tissue to form, narrow the opening through which urine flows. The result is that you may also feel through penis is clogged. Urethral stricture may form soon after injury, such as fractured pelvis, as it may take months before developing of any symptoms.
Symptoms of penis clog or urethral stricture:-
When the healthy flow of urine gets diminish by urethral stricture, some of the symptoms gets develop.
l Slow, reduce urine stream
l Incontinence
l Painful urination
l Dark urine
l Blood in urine
l Abdominal pain
l Swelling of penis
What causes a penis clog or uritheral structure?
A penis clog can occur anywhere along urethra. The more common cause of urethral stricture are:
l Injury to urethra which is sometimes cause by blunt trauma, which relates to bad fall or an injury that pierces the urethra.
l Infection such as sexually transmitted infection.
l Infection caused by placement of catheters within urethra or with endoscopic procedures such as cystoscopy.
You can do this to clear Erectile Dysfunction cause by Clog:
You can take the help of Doctor to clear erectile dysfunction by Clog. They may treat short stricture with either a urethral dilation or with internal urethrotomy. Urethral reconstruction, is a surgical procedure which may be used for longer strictures:
Urethral dilation:-
Urethral dilation starts with placement of very thin guide wire into the urethra. Furthermore increase wider wires which are called dilators, threaded over the guided wire to stretch out the sides of urethra.
Internal urethrotomy:-
During an internal urethrotomy, your surgeon will first insert a scope into urethra so they can see the stricture. Then they will use a small sharp surgical instrument which is called an endoscopic scalpel, to cut open the stricture.
Urethral reconstruction:-
One of the treatment option is called urethroplasty. It is surgical procedure that involves with removing constricted portion of urethra and reattach the healthy portions of tube.
Food that unclog arteries are:-
Berries, tomatoes, Onions, citrus fruits, cruciferous vegetables, leafy greens, beans, fish. Some other foods that prevent clogged arteries are avocados, oats, olive oil.
Take some medicine:-
There are too many types of medicine in Erectile Dysfunction :-
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