Do this to clear Erectile Dysfunction cause by Clog?
It is necessary to remove the penis clog. Urethral structure is narrowing of tube that carries urine and semen through penis and out of the body. If the urethra gets injured due to an infection or any other medical problem it can cause scar tissue to form inside the urethra. It also restricts flow of urine and semen. The type of penis clog or structure is treatable with surgical and non surgical procedures. What is penis clog or urethral stricture? With people of all sexes urethra is the thin tube through which bladder empties itself of urine. During the ejaculation the semen also travels through urethra. The urethra in person with penis is more longer than person with vulva. As a result the risk of urethral problems is much higher if you have penis than vulva. A penis clog, develops with inflammation or injury irritates the inner lining of the urethra. It causes with scar tissue to form, narrow the opening through which urine flows. The result is that you may also fee...